






贫困。文盲。alteracy。枪支控制。性主义。性别和身份。种族主义。全球暖化。低金融素养。新的金融货币。 Credit crises. Opioid addiction. World economic markets capable of collapse. I truly believe that the world is better than its ever been, but as the population surges and pressures increase, we also have more than ever to lose.


Full disclosure: I kind of have a problem with the term ‘YouTuber’ in the same way I don’t love the word ‘blogger.’ Defining a profession by the platform is a strange thing, like calling actors, ‘Netflixers.’ In a best-case scenario, a YouTuber is just a person who creates video content compelling to a certain audience–who then uses the YouTube platform to reach a large audience and monetize their effort. It’s not necessarily mission-based work, but the idea that is ‘bad’ is silly.每天都更聪明仍然是我见过的现代“非正式教育”视频内容的最佳例子之一。

但是,没有选中人员访问个人屏幕的儿童的做法 - 以及YouTube的设计与“建议的视频”侧边栏保持“类似”内容的内容无休止地改变了我们观看的方式。我们看的是什么。谁在看什么,何时。

Blippi是一个我在去年熟悉的名字 - 比我想成为更熟悉的更熟悉。我的两岁儿子喜欢Blippi比他爱我更多,我相信我已经看到了每次视频六到八次,最小。(这是我们家中严格的屏幕规则)。

作为一个非常成功的(和过高的富裕)Youtuber,Blippi在过去两年中赚了更多的资金,或者我将在整个寿命中进行。(I refuse to link to his channel–the last video of his I saw was him at a beach with a Lamborghini.) This alone wouldn’t qualify him as being able to run for President (not to mention most of his fans aren’t voters.)

但随着岩石,昆妃西部和其他名人与可能的美国总统竞选有关,这是一个“youtuber”实际上跑步的想法并不像它似乎一样远。忍者是一代儿童的英雄,在“流媒体”和Esports上提出。(即使是Michael Jordan正在投资Esports。)Pewdiepie,Casey Neistat,Logan Paul和一系列其他'YouTubers'报告的净值从数百万美元到数亿美元。

非常自然和名人来源不仅仅是“改变”,但已经改变了。这种转化为政治可能是另一个谈话,而且我没有资格探索。My point is simply this: the world is changing more than we understand, primarily because what is changing and who is doing the changing aren’t as carefully scrutinized as we’d like to think–and it usually starts with the youth developing a value system and set of social currencies different than the one before them.

