

经过Michele Spiezia


Being at a conference like SXSWEdu can be completely overwhelming — a race to attend, listen to and engage with as many education-minded humans as humanly possible while stopping periodically to eat and sleep. The FOMO is real. While my mornings allowed me more space-time than I’m used to for stretching, meditating, eating breakfast (sitting down) and not setting an alarm, each day was brimming with intense learning, thinking and conversating from 9am to 6pm and beyond. It gave me some serious perspective and empathy on what it must feel like for my students every day. Whew!

What I didn’t underestimate is the lack of time & headspace I’d have when I stepped off the plane and got back to work, so I took the 4 hour flight to get my thoughts out and synthesize the myriad experiences I had this week at SXSWEdu. Below are my key takeaways and themes. (Author’s note: I didn’t actually finish this whole post on the plane. Have you ever heard that the last 10% of a project takes as much effort and time as the first 90%? Well… it’s the truth!)

TLDR:See my doodle notes!



1. Genius Steals (Montessori)

People lit up with enthusiasm and curiosity when I told them I was a Montessori parent, educator and curriculum designer (and a middle school one at that!). And… I’ve heard a lot of things this week that echo the swan song of Maria — prepared environments, freedom of movement in the classroom, student agency, choice within boundaries and igniting students’ natural curiosities and interests. Hmph.

This actually puts Montessori schools in a prime position to evolve and adapt, though often because of the beautiful but somewhat rigid teacher training that supports a hundred year old curriculum to the letter, it’s challenging for teachers of ‘Orthodox Montessori’ principles to adapt and evolve their practices. They’re stuck in the ‘what’ instead of seeing Maria’s work for the why, to reinterpret what materials, manipulatives and group learning can be (especially if it involves a screen, a device or a ‘maker’ project).

我认为它们是同一个人。您可以将其称为Steam,STEM,制造商机芯等等。它是敬业和好奇的学习。我们一直在做一个世纪。wwmd?(What Would Maria Do?) Do you think she’d still be searching for information on vertebrates in a dusty old textbook, or would she take her iPad with her on a walk with children through the park and use it to explore interactive models of animals while taking pictures of them in the wild? We can use her timeless scientific exploration of the child and put it through a 21st century lens.

Montessori Rebooted.

2. Balance

I have students that come to my classroom and tell me technology is ‘dangerous’ and ‘addictive.’ Surely messages they are receiving from home or the media, and while these are few and far between, it seems to me that most kids are getting the message that this thing called technology that fascinates, engages and mystifies them in its many forms is something to be ashamed of. A guilty pleasure. A mindless wormhole of distraction.

Honestly, it’s all about balance. Over and over across every topic I encountered at SXSW there was a relieving and very sane call for Balance. Balance between individual and group work, between digital experiences and physical ones, between time at school and time with family. Between the urban jungle and the natural landscape. It’s all balance. Anything in excess or dearth is a disservice to a student.


Thankfully, I also heard lots of talk about balance between data and narratives. About using data gathering until the point at which it maximizes its returns, remembering that in education, as in all things human, that it’s a messy, non-linear, beautiful process that can’t always be captured or optimized by numbers, checkboxes or statistics.

The other important conversation happening around balance was in regard to over corrections of all kinds, but especially in the novelty of STEM and math/science/computer science focused programs, often at the high cost of rich experiences in history, the humanities, art & culture. While the future is certainly high tech, it’s undoubtedly Human. Connection between individuals, communities and even between humans and their machines, will be at the nexus of our ability to thrive. While focusing on the skills and expectations of a technologically literate society, we must also find balance in our long history of being human and innate benefits of interdisciplinary collaboration.

Finally, back to balance and tech.个性化学习并不意味着25个孩子共用一个房间,而是每个孩子都盯着将他们放在其他地方的设备。个性化并不意味着单数。技术不必孤立,上瘾或分心。平衡我们采用技术的方式,何时,何时和为什么作为工具重要的是。如果我们不提出正确的问题,我们的设备,从iPhone到VR再到笔记本电脑不值得在小小的中重量。


关于参与和为学生提供服务的许多讨论都集中在代理上,以及在未来不确定和快速变化的世界中,inquiry is at the heart of learning.Knowing how to ask questions, form questions and refine them needs to be a key element of teaching and learning in our classrooms and our boardrooms.


Our lens needs to widen to the most macro when considering problems and their potential solutions.



现在,信息和内容无处不在且越来越易于​​访问,围绕我们作为教师和学习者所做的工作创建背景至关重要。帮助教师和学生定义并创建他们发现和探索想法的环境是创新的新制图。地形在不断变化,根据您的视角不同 - 我们不能使用挂在’89 Honda的杂物盒中的相同旧纸图来浏览太空船。鼓励学生,教育者和管理人员在学科之间进行协作和联系,将通过创建多维关节(万花筒可能的可能性)来扩展和指数增强我们解决问题的能力。

One thing that seems can be agreed upon regarding context is that it’s总是跨学科,这意味着我们的教室需要目标相同。如果不参与政策和政治,公民权利和道德,您就无法谈论科学发现。没有数学对应物,物理学将一无所有,没有艺术和设计,任何东西都不值得。



Does assuming the expectation of Invention over Innovation innately presuppose individuality? Of creating in a vacuum? Helping students understand the ‘Remix’ not only encourages them to collaborate and share in an ‘open source’ kind of way, it instead pre-supposes connection to the entirety of the human race, to one another, and all that came before us in an effort to evolve the future.

5. Time





6. Choice & Agency

The world today (and certainly of tomorrow) is not going to tell us what to do. It’s asking of us ‘What needs to be done? How do we get there, together?’.Serving the student, not the system对于能够在下一代及以后能够为世界服务的人们来说,这是至关重要的。让学生有机会定义和创建学习,并与教育工作者合作创造真正变革性的经验,这是我们学校的中心。


Choice and Agency also means Choice and Agency for Teachers and Educators.


我们已经超越了易于衡量的事情。那是合规性。Just because it’s not easily measured today doesn’t mean we can’t create the tools to do so tomorrow, and if we don’t invent ways to explore and measure creativity, collaboration, motivation and leadership, we’ll be left with a broken system.


When I became a Founder & CEO of my startup, Bespoke, I devoured information, and two things have stuck with me — ‘Put your head down and get to work’ and ‘Do things that don’t scale.’



Note: this will take longer than you expect, and at first, no one may show up. Find others who are working on similar things. Talk with them and learn from them, but keep the balance (see above) between seeking answers outside your classroom and working toward them inside your classroom.


按照自己的方式做,然后看看别人如何做。分享您的框架,并找到其他具有类似想法和框架的框架。鼓励人们窃取您创造的东西,并自己制作。想问正确的问题吗?尝试 '应该this scale?’ Instead of ‘When/How will you scale?’ What will scale look like? There’s no carbon copy answer that’s going to solve the reinvention of education across the country or the globe. And there shouldn’t be. We can be open to agile and flexible frameworks that change as we change, that mold to the cultures, attitudes & needs of the kids in our care. That thing about asking the right question? It assumes and supports the necessity of a myriad possible answers.

哦,关于让人们窃取您的作品并自己制作自己的工作,开源合作和分享的想法?如果我们需要一个系统性的框架,我们需要吹干并重建,这是原始作品的创造性归因。您好区块链和Web 3.0。新的未来即将到来。


Speaking of a new future, topics of inclusion, equity and diversity reigned at SXSWEdu. Supported by a focus on social/emotional skills, qualitative assessment and student-centered learning, creating our educational environments to serve everyone is key. A few thoughts on some of the themes I saw explored:

Girls in STEM: Yes! We certainly need more women acrossSTEM fields和支持其包容性的程序,但也考虑:

  • In an age of gender diversity, the conversation of girl vs boy becomes a tricky one for me. How can we reframe this argument where and when it’s necessary? How can we create inclusion for non-binary, gender fluid, LGBT friends who may not sit on one side of this argument or the other?
  • 即使有更多与STEM相关领域的妇女和女孩,我们仍然有艰苦的工作要做培养与我们的女孩和年轻女性一起工作时具有同理心,观点和偏见意识的男孩和年轻男子(或任何人))。
  • Let’s not forget our balance of Humanities/Liberal Arts fields, and encourage students to follow their passions and interests, working in interdisciplinary environments as often as possible, seeing and exploring problems from multiple perspectives and areas of study and being mindful of over corrections or novelty.

社会经济鸿沟: I am wary of programs and solutions intended to ‘bring 21st century skills’ such as coding and programming to low income communities. We must demand equity in educating all students on the ‘Why’s’ of technology, digital citizenship and humane/ethical approaches to technology, not simply create a new blue collar labor force of the future, meeting the minimum requirements of state and local standards to expose students to technology.

The word of the day here is ‘Access.’ Who gets access and why? Where is access limited, and how do we meet the needs of individual communities, adapt to their priorities while maintaining a high expectation of the availability of services, materials and quality instruction to all students?

7. Fear


There are only two emotions, love and fear; everything else evolves from these. Fear is undoubtedly our greatest enemy in the quest to redefine education. Fear of the future, of uncertainty, of not being good enough, of global warming, refugees, disease and dictatorship. Fear of the robots taking over.


We must redefine our view of success, of achievement and our willingness to ‘play the game’. We must demand change in the legacy institutions that drive inequality, the Goliaths of the Ivy League and the Boardroom. We must find the Davids in the world and make change happen, depending on policy makers and education re-imaginers to be the megaphone to amplify our message and put the microphone to our beliefs and our work.

We must require open source collaboration and information sharing, ultimately creating a new world order that supports education with the confining and restrictive rules of capitalistic greed creating cultural, educational and opportunistic imbalances. Change has to come from the bottom up, in pockets of innovation, providing pathways and choice.


We are all human, and that’s the place we’ve got to start from. The future is human. We need empathy and connection, and can leverage technology to allow for more meaningful connection. Bottom line.

In the end, it all comes down to trust. Uncertainty is scary. As humans, we don’t like it. As parents and educators, sometimes even more so. But the truth is, naming, accepting and embracing our fears when they erupt is the simplest way to disarm them. Being vulnerable with one another, choosing empathy over judgement, and supporting environments of openness in our homes, our classrooms and our communities is the only way forward.

No one’s saying it’s going to be easy, but I promise, it will be better.

Footnote:What follows is a short list of ‘How to SXSWEdu. Do you agree with my hitlist? Have something to add? Let me know!’

  • 知道自己。在这样的会议上做适合您的事情。FOMO是真实的,选择的瘫痪可以快速而疯狂。
  • 允许偶然性空间。您将遇到的一些最有趣的人将是您在充电手机时与之共享的电源插座的人。对我来说,专注于较小的小组聚会和平衡研讨会的体验与“贤哲在舞台上”会议是关键。
  • Take pictures of people’s badges that you want to keep in touch with.
  • 抵制待晚些时候享受太多食物和鸡尾酒的冲动(说起来容易做起来容易)。