50个最佳的Google Chrome扩展名

What Are The Best Google Chrome Extensions For Teachers?


Google Chrome越来越多地在哪里。

Google Chrome成为事实上的Internet浏览器,在Microsoft的“不受欢迎软件”中获得了五年的自由落体之后,第一次通过Internet Explorer。快进到今天,STATCounter为Google Chrome竞争绘制了一幅平淡无奇的图片,Safari,Firefox和IE的组合仍然低于Chrome的市场份额近50%。

While the real story is more complicated, with Microsoft bundling IE with windows giving it a huge built-in user-base, the rise of Google Chromebooks, Apple’s elegant-but-iOS-only Safari, and overall a subtle shift in mobile away from browsers to apps muddling the picture even further, what’s truly ‘the best’ or ‘most popular’ browser isn’t cut-and-dry.

但是对于现在和现在,就浏览器而言,Google Chrome是KING,其中一部分使Google Chrome扩展很棒。

什么是Google Chrome扩展名?

正如Google本身所解释的那样,Google Chrome扩展名是“在Chrome浏览器内运行的应用程序,并提供其他功能,与第三方网站或服务集成以及定制的浏览体验。”虽然Google应用程序,扩展名和网站的简单快捷方式之间存在一些灰色区域,但正确的扩展程序可以将您的浏览器变成瑞士武器的实用程序和效率。

What Is The Benefit Of An Extension For Teachers?

它们可以使事情变得简单,更容易访问,更明显,更引人注目,更方便 - 在您的课堂上,您有很多潜在的好处。将网页夹住以使用单个按钮按下Evernote。查找参考。学生的模型如何添加引文。将链接发送到同事而无需打开另一个选项卡。寻找有用的课程?舀。推特。压住他。查找您想阅读的帖子? Don’t email it to yourself–use Pocket.



Before skimming through these and installing 25 of your favorites, note that too many extensions can slow your browser down and speed is one of Chrome’s other talents.

There is no standard for how many extensions you should use–your mileage may vary here. The speed of your PC, your available memory, your WiFi speed, how many tabs you keep open, and more can all impact your browser’s apparent speed, so add and remove extensions (it’s as simple as a few clicks–see the video above) to optimize your setup so that Chrome remains snappyand作为老师对您有用。

40个最佳的Google Chrome扩展名

  1. Vmaker

With Vmakers, educators can record their screen to use it in their lectures. It has advanced features like screen annotation which can be useful for highlighting important areas. It’s a free tool and there is no limit on recording duration.

  1. 顺时针


  1. Evernote网络快船

With this Evernote extension, you can clip everything that you find interesting on the internet. You can highlight the relevant section, use annotation and take screenshots too. All the details get saved in your Evernote account.


  1. Mote

Sometimes your students need feedback or explanations that are just too wordy to type. Mote enables you to add voice notes and feedback to student documents. It’s a great way to add a personal touch to feedback – and it’s accessible too; the plugin works with Google Sheets, Slides, Classroom, and Docs and can transcribe audio into more than 15 language translations.

  1. 语法


  1. Kami


  1. Edpuzzle

添加Edpuzzle Chrome扩展程序后,您将在观看的每个YouTube视频下方看到一个小按钮。单击它后,您可以轻松修剪视频以仅选择最佳零件,并将其在讲座或作业中使用。

  1. 杜阿尔斯

杜阿尔斯Chrome extension is for all the multi-tasking teachers out there. With Dualless, you can work on multiple screens simultaneously. In two clicks, you can split the browser window in two sections, and decide the ratio of the screens too.

  1. 权力词库

The right word at the right time can make a difference and Power Thesaurus helps you to do that. With this Chrome extension, you can search for synonyms and antonyms for words while writing or reading. Click on the toolbar button or right-click the word, and you’re set.

  1. Voice In Voice Typing


  1. 奥托

Otto是Pomodoro Timer和网站Blocker的组合。社交媒体和其他非生产性网站可能会使您失去注意力。Otto将它们阻止了特定的时间,您可以决定并让您不间断地专注于工作。

  1. 大声朗读


语音can be useful here as well.

  1. Beeline阅读器


  1. Google Keep

Google Keepis great for saving text, URLs, and images. Additionally, you can add notes to them, and add labels, too. It automatically gets synchronized with your Android and iOS devices, which means you don’t have to worry about going back and forth.

  1. TLDR This

This should not be tough to gauge. TLDR This is a great tool for automatically creating a summary of any document. This is very convenient if you’re sharing your thesis with someone or you want to get an overview of an article real quick.

  1. Google类似页面


  1. Clearly Reader


  1. Google教室

Google教室helps you to organize your assignments and communicate with your students. It integrates Google Drive, Gmail, and Google Docs which will allow you to share documents and give feedback effortlessly.

  1. 插入


  1. Todoist

The best and the most trusted to-do organizer on Google Chrome. This tool helps you to keep a track of your tasks, keep a wishlist, and collaborate with others for completing projects. A great tool for those educators who find it difficult to get things done.

  1. Lucidchart

图,流程图,组织图是视觉教学工具的一些很好的例子。但是,画它们可能很棘手。Lucidchart扩展名使创建交互式图并与Google Drive,Docs,Sheets和Slides集成变得容易。

  1. PDF Mergy

PDF Mergy使您的任务简单地合并PDF文档。拖放要合并的文件。如有必要,您可以按顺序排列;最终合并文档将以这种方式出现。准备就绪后,您可以在计算机上下载合并文件。

  1. 米罗


  1. GoConqr

With GoConqr, you can create a personal learning environment with your student. You can create Mind Maps, Flashcards, Quizzes, Notes, Study Planners to engage with them and make teaching fun

  1. onetab


  1. Reverso


  1. Padlet


  1. EquatIO


  1. 势头


  1. Google的黑色菜单


  1. LastPass


  1. Auto Text Expander

Writing the same stuff can get boring. Auto Text Expander Chrome extension gets that done for you by making it fun. All you have to do is create custom keyboard shortcuts for regular phrases and URL. This tool will automatically expand the text without asking you to do anything.

  1. 网络油漆

Web Paint是一种仅旨在通过向网页添加图纸和注释来使学习交互式的扩展名。您可以从油漆工具中选择很多选择,并自定义尺寸和颜色。如果您喜欢标记很多文本,这对您来说可能是一个不错的工具。

  1. shmplpdf

这是用于管理PDF的完整工具。您可以编辑,转换,压缩,拆分和合并PDF文件与SmallPDF Chrome扩展名。此外,该工具与Gmail集成,这使其变得容易得多

  1. 为我引用这个


  1. 读写


  1. 苏格兰老师


  1. 梨甲板

梨甲板adds a special touch to your presentations. You can have interactive demos and evaluations to give personalized attention to every student in your class. You can also convert your Google slides and PDFs in presentations in an easy manner

  1. 故事鸟


  1. 大量



史黛西·霍尔兹(Stacey Hohertz),德克萨斯州威奇托瀑布的柯比中学的老师




For sharing quick videos, from talking head to screencasts,织机是质量和易用性的标准。





For Engagement Without Chaos:Reactions

反应使您能够保持学生的静音,但仍然得到反馈 - 并确保他们在听!- 以表情符号的形式。学生可以发出大拇指,以表明他们正在注意,如果您说的话太有趣了,请发送一个笑声表情符号,并在不放慢脚步的情况下与课程互动。


Getting parents involved in their child’s learning is something that can run the gamut from simple to challenging – but when there’s an all-in-one communications solution, that all changes. ClassTag’s extension allows you to engage with parents by sending direct messages from Google Classroom, send messages that will auto-translate into 60+ languages, go to a parent’s preferred communication channel (Text, Email, Phone, App, etc.) and show read receipts in case you worry someone hasn’t gotten the message. It’s the easiest way to keep parent engagement high throughout the school year.






If you need to leave simple feedback on a student’s paper, Checkmark is perfect for you – you can set up the most common comments you leave on student work (like “run-on sentence” or “comma error”) and then auto-fill that feedback into student documents. They get great feedback and you get to save some time.

48个最佳的Google Chrome扩展名