
You know from experience that when you enjoy a subject, learning about that subject is easier, more fun, and you retain the information longer. Getting kids to enjoy learning is more productive to教育efforts than spending more money, lengthening school days, you name it. This is the reason many educators are excited about the possibilities inherent to the iPad.


18 Snapshots Of iPad Integration In Education

1。Motion Math in Class: An assistant professor of education at USC’s Rossier School oversaw this study looking at whether having students play a learning game to teach them fractions increased their knowledge. Just five days of playing Motion Math for 20 minutes each day raised fifth graders’ fractions test scores 15%, and also raised their “liking” of fractions by 10%.

2。HMH保险丝代数1:2010年9月,教科书发布商Houghton Mifflin Harcourt打包了其代数1书作为一个名为HMH保险丝代数的iPad应用程序1.该公司捐赠了400家IPADS,其中包含了四个加州学区的应用程序。经过全学生的学习,results显示近20%的iPad用户比非iPad用户在地区代数考试中得分“熟练”或更好。

3.ACU Connected:阿比林基督教大学是在学院教室的技术实验的最前沿。通过ACU关联计划,他们对iPad进行了几项研究。在他们的结果中:在涉及转移信息的问题上诠释了iPad文本的学生得分25%。研究人员还使用iPad学习,提高了学生满意度水平,因为易于使用和各种功能。

4.Beyond Textbooks: In late 2010, Virginia’s education department began an experimental program of giving iPads to social studies students in grades four, seven, and nine to test its viability as a learning tool. They found that the technology increased both student independence and collaboration, and allowed teachers to be more facilitators than fact-deliverers.

5.Pepperdine University.: Although the study won’t conclude until the end of 2011, preliminary findings of experimental iPad programs at Pepperdine have echoed the findings of increased student engagement, as the college kids with iPads became more involved with the material and with each other. But they have also found students will not make use of apps unless they are required to by an instructor.

6.Reed College iPad study: Reed’s iPad experiment was a follow-up to a test-run of using Kindles in the classroom, partly to see if the iPad better met students’ needs. Students approved of the iPad’s portability and readability, but admitted the many features were a tempting distraction in large classes. They also strongly favored the iPad for annotating text and referring to notes for in-class discussions.

7.Step Forward iPad Pilot Project: Researchers at Trinity College tested the iPad in the classroom along with netbooks, e-readers, and an Android tablet. They found 80% of students preferred the iPad, but that the devices are not adequate replacements for laptops or desktops, but rather a supplement. The project was enough of a success that the school opted to provide all students with iPads in 2012.

8.Minnesota大学的iPad主动:在该国最大的试点计划中,2011年U o o o将iPad发放给每个进入教育学院和人类发展的新手。学生总体上喜欢平板电脑,但就像三位一体毡笔记本电脑的家庭作业一样。非裔美国人的学生通过使用iPad报告了他们学习体验的最高改善。

9。Notre Dame e-reader study:Notre Dame的教育工作者一直专注于为简单,自由创造和共享电子材料创造环境。他们与贷款学生iPads的经验导致他们相信其最大的实力是其能够将信息和引导学生汇总到更多的知识,而不是教科书。iPad的可移植性允许瞬间的研究和讨论,传统媒体将无法实现。

10.Oklahoma State University iPad Pilot Program: OSU experimented with iPads in five classes in the fall of 2010. Students here expected to use the e-reader function much more than they actually ended up doing so. Three-fourths of the participants agreed the devices enhance their learning experience, and even felt iPads trumped laptops for certain professional uses.

11。辛辛那提大学:Cinci的教师技术资源中心由借给要求他们的讲师借给iPad。The Center’s findings from the program led them to believe that although the iPad “is not destined to change the face of education” in the science, math, and technology fields, instructors with a clear objective for iPads can derive benefit from incorporating them into their teaching.

12.Unlocking Literacy with iPad:克利夫兰的英语老师詹姆斯·哈德分成了三个课程的学生分为两组,一个可以访问iPad和一个没有。他发现有权访问的学生更有可能通过阅读和写作标准化测试,更多的动机来学习,并在iPad上写得比他们在纸上的更长的散文。

13。长宾 - 费尔法克斯 - 温度高中:这所学校在明尼苏达州向学生分发了375家iPad,并将实验计算得足够成功。他们了解到他们没有期待的事情是学生变得如此习惯的方式,让教师回应从iPad发送的电子邮件。学校必须建立保护教师个人时间的边界。

14。多伦多大学:自2009年以来,多伦多大学朗达MCEWEN博士一直在使用触摸屏技术,以教授自闭症儿童如何沟通。虽然她admitsthe science has a long way to go, she and others in the field have found the iPad’s ability to swipe and click and manipulate the screen is improving the communications skills of non-verbal kids.

15.泽兰公立学校:实验计划在Zeeland,MICH中的三到12年级中的每个学生都会产生类似的结果,对其他计划产生了类似的结果:教师讨论了它的能力,让他们专注于教学,而不是管理。但儿童安全问题提出了这个计划。一个父母questionedif giving kids the mobile devices violates the Child Internet Protection Act, and the question is still up in the air.


17.The Educational Potential of Mobile Computing in the Field研究人员研究了移动设备的使用,我ncluding iPads and HP tablet PCs, in the field with students in three different classes at Vassar College, Trinity University, and Lawrence University. They felt the fragility of the iPad, the lack of a pen for annotating, and the fact that the apps are not intended for data creation prevent the iPad from being suitable for an educational tool outside.

18.斯坦福医学院: Hoping to curb the need for printed materials, Stanford’s School of Medicine lent an iPad to every student in August 2010. The experiment here was a failure; students did not like to use them in class, and half the student body stopped using them altogether just weeks into the year. The school had no choice but to resume printing hard-copy notes.