



byGrant Wiggins,真实的教育

A rarely discussed weakness in education is the lack of a true job description for teachers in hiring. Being told that “you will teach US History” or “we are hiring you to be a 4th grade teacher” is not a job description. It doesn’t say what you are responsible for causing. It merely describes the content and level you will be teaching. It doesn’t demand that you achieve anything in particular. It only says that a certain slot and set of roles should be filled and certain content should be covered.

A real job description would be written around the key learning goals and Mission-related outcomes. What am I expected to cause in students? What am I supposed to完成? Whatever the answer, that’s my job.

The Danielson教学框架doesn’t really address this problem, despite its many strengths. All the domains are about skills, not achievements; inputs, not outcomes: Planning and Preparation, the Classroom Environment, Instruction, and Professional Responsibilities. Couldn’t you therefore have these skills but not be an achiever of outstanding results? Vice versa: I have known many teachers who do little more than cause learning, yet would be found wanting on many of the components (think: Jaime Escalante or any gruff loner – but respected veteran teacher).


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I think we can boil the desired results of “teacher” down to a few core obligations. An educator must arguably cause four things in learners.

  1. 与以前的观察,调查和客户反馈确定的对主题和学习的兴趣更大
  2. 与关键课程目标有关的成功学习,正如相互同意的评估所反映的那样
  3. greater confidence and feelings of efficacy as revealed by student behavior and reports (and as eventually reflected in improved results)
  4. 每个学习者的热情和智力指导

1. For some odd reason the issue of student boredom and lack of interest in school work is rarely addressed in job descriptions and evaluation, even though it is arguably one of the greatest impediment to higher levels of student achievement. No one is going to meet higher standards if the work and classroom are boring. Ourstudent survey resultsmake the needs and solutions crystal-clear.



4. You cannot achieve great results without knowing kids and playing to their strengths, no matter how fixed the standards and curriculum are. How many students are regularly helped to play to and recognize their strengths as a中央part of planning, teaching, assessing, and reporting? The ideal was framed nicely by the SCANS report:学生应该离开学校,而不是成绩单. How many teachers (besides primary-grade teachers) spend the first week of school mostly getting to know the strengths, weaknesses, talents, interests, and styles of all learners – and then taking a few days to modify plans accordingly? Interestingly enough, almost all coaches do this: early practice is primarily about seeing who you have and what they can do; and adjusting accordingly.

“I have to cover the content”

通过真正的职位描述,我们最终可以解决教育中的一个很大的问题,即工作是涵盖内容的普遍观点。不:marching page by page through a textbook (or the written curriculum) can never be your job as a teacher – ever.教科书或课程完全独立于您的目标和学生书写;这是一种通用资源,仅将全面的信息和课程汇集在一起​​,以供成千上万的美国各地有不同需求的人使用。它对形成性评估的结果完全不敏感,并且几乎确定要引起高水平的学习需要偏离分页。

因此,教科书真的很像字典或百科全书。而且,我们不会要求您通过从a到z的字典来学习英语。然而,这几乎是所有教科书驱动的教学等等的。与词典和百科全书一样,您将根据需要咨询它们 - 即鉴于特定的总体目标。这种教科书的方法很少发生可能是澄清工作的最大指标。

Once the goals are clear, intelligent decisions about the textbook can be made:

  • 教科书中的哪一章对我的目标,课程目标,任务和标准是核心?
  • 哪一章并不重要,仅与我的目标,课程目标,使命和标准联系起来?
  • 可以跳过哪个章节,因为它们与我的目标,课程目标,任务和标准无关?
  • What must I do to supplement the text in order to achieve my goals, course goals, Mission, and standards?


But as I have long argued, backed by both evidence[1]而且常识,这种广泛的哀叹根本没有意义。这是您在说的,真的:“我会相当teach for understanding and engagement, but I can’t. I ‘have to’ just cover all this content superficially and right out of the textbook. That’s what the tests demand.”

Really? The testsrewardsuperficial and disengaging teaching? You need to teach糟糕获得更高的考试成绩?工作要分散且无趣,以便为测试做好准备吗?

Such a view defies common sense as well: the best teachers I have seen make their subject interesting and they make it hang together via interesting problems, big ideas, and clear performance goals. Endless content coverage is actually the approach of someone who has no explicit course goals and strategy for staying focused on them. In other words, someone not clear on their job.



(对于博客目的而言,这是我几年前写的一章,这是一个经过详尽的修订。Solution Tree book on teaching);This article was excerpted from a post thatfirst appeared onGrant’s personal blog;Grant can be foundon twitter here;image attribution flickrglobalpartnershipforeducation;教学的职位描述