


这就是使以下故事在Twitter上流行的原因。密歇根州老师Joe Dombrowski最近给他的4年级学生进行了拼写测验,但这并不是他们期望的测验。

作为四月愚人节的恶作剧的一部分,显然是学生意识和以前的“ with-it”教育工作者创作了一个拼写的测验(Wazamata:学生们说他们生病了,我说:“和你在一起吗?”)。

虽然这些话很有趣,但视频中最可爱的部分是他显然与学生之间的奇妙关系。Consider that he is, on the fly, giving students new words in rapid-fire succession that they believe they’re going to be tested on, and no matter how absurd the words sound, the worst you hear from the students is, “What? That sounds like Chinese!”

Consider that he is, on the fly, giving students new words in rapid-fire succession that they believe they’re going to be tested on, and no matter how absurd the words sound, the worst you hear from the students is, “What? That sounds like Chinese!” mixed in with some light-hearted groaning as they scramble to keep up.

