
经过The Resource Center For Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention


Adolescents are still in the process of forming their belief systems as they absorb new information about the world around them. In the context of learning about sexual and reproductive health, it’s important to make sure their developing perceptions are accurate.

As you plan your high school’s sex education curriculum, the Health Belief Model (HBM) may help you focus on effective ways to influence your students’ perceptions, and as a result, increase their likelihood of taking positive and productive actions for their sexual health.


Health Belief Model是一个框架,提出了一系列策略,可以帮助人们对健康行为做出更好的选择。总的来说,HBM在一个假设下运作,即人们将采取积极的,预防性的与健康相关的行动:

  • Feel a negative health condition can be avoided
  • 期望具体的行动可以防止这种情况
  • Believe they can successfully take these actions




2. Perceived Severity



Do your students truly understand the benefits of taking steps to prevent these conditions? Do they believe that condoms can prevent pregnancy, and that STI and HIV screenings can prevent health complications from getting worse? Present evidence that your recommended actions will actually benefit teenagers. If they know how effective these strategies truly are, they will be more likely to implement them.


What is stopping them from taking this action? The most effective sex education programs will directly address all the obstacles and outside pressures that may affect teenagers’ decisions and perceptions. These barriers can be internal; for example, if a teenager doesn’t think STIs are common, they won’t feel the need to get screened or use protection.




After teenagers are armed with accurate information about the risks they face, they must believe that they’re capable of taking real and effective steps to prevent them. Positive reinforcement is more effective than scare tactics, because teens need to be confident in their own ability to protect themselves. Teach them how to use condoms correctly, identify the easiest ways to get health screenings, and remind them how capable and empowered they are.

A Brief History of HBM

HBM actually originated in the 1950’s, when three psychologists participated in a tuberculosis (TB) screening program offered for free by the U.S. Public Health Services. Though mobile units created a free and convenient way for people to receive TB tests, it was ultimately unsuccessful because very few people took advantage of the units in their own neighborhoods.









社会规范在青少年发展中起着巨大的作用,社会影响理论的重点是这些影响,而不是将它们视为不可避免和无法控制的因素。该理论强调有效的方法changesocial norms in order to change individual behaviors. In the context of a high school classroom, this may mean normalizing safe sex practices and spreading accurate information about risks.



How Can HBM Be Used By High School Health Educators?



Sexual activity can result in a variety of problematic consequences, but it helps to focus on three specific possible outcomes:

  1. Pregnancy- 怀孕会影响不同程度的男孩和女孩,因此您需要承认每个人群的特定风险因素,而不是将其称为一般风险。
  2. 性传播疾病(STD)orsexually transmitted infections (STIs)– These conditions include chlamydia, gonorrhea, human papillomavirus (HPV), syphilis, and other common diseases, as well as cancer and other conditions that are more likely to occur because of their presence.
  3. 人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)and获得的免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)– Today’s high schoolers weren’t alive during the AIDS epidemic of the 1980’s, but this disease is far from abstract. It’s important to increase awareness of the risks that still exist today.

Of course, the HBM approach also requires actionable steps that students can take in order to decrease their risks and prevent these conditions.


Preventative actions属于两类:主要和次要预防。主要动作实际上阻止了条件,而次要动作则阻止了现有条件恶化或扩散。

  1. 主要行动包括适当和持续使用避孕套以及其他避孕药。
  2. 次要行动包括性病和艾滋病毒筛查,有效的医疗治疗以及有关预防疾病和感染传播的方法的教育。

Now that you have the basic building blocks of your HBM-based sex education program, it’s time to implement them into the specific tools and resources you will offer each student.


Instead of attaching negative connotations to sexuality itself, attempt to educate your students so they can make informed decisions while assessing possible risks.

记住要专注于青少年可以采取的特定负面条件和特定的行动(或最大程度地减少其后果)。您可能会咨询以下清单时有助于您计划和实施your curriculum:

  1. 增加对脆弱性的看法– Do students realize their risks of pregnancy and STIs?
  2. Assess perception of vulnerability– Do students understand how severe each condition is?
  3. 教疾病及其后果– Does your program describe specific consequences and risks?
  4. Assess perception of consequences- 您的学生知道这些条件有多严重吗?例如,他们是否对与养育或与艾滋病生活有关的真正挣扎有一种感觉?
  5. 提出所需的动作- 您是否概述了学生为防止这些条件而采取的具体行动?
  6. 评估他们对这一行动的信念- 您的学生是否真的相信使用保护和寻求性传播感染筛查会阻止他们遭受负面后果?
  7. Identify barriers to action- 您知道可以阻止学生采取这些行动的具体影响吗?
  8. Eliminate these barriers- 您是否正在纠正误解并支持学生抵抗其他障碍(例如同伴压力)的努力?
  9. 提供行动线索- 您是否鼓励学生采取正确的步骤?
  10. 评估他们的信心– Do your students believe they’re capable of effectively preventing these conditions?


Are students becoming more aware of their risks? Have their perceptions actually changed as a result? The most important step is to identify and encourage them to take specific actions to prevent common risks.

Challenges Applying HBM to High School Health Education

Sexuality can be a sensitive subject, especially for teenage students. It’s important to anticipate共同的挑战that may affect your ability to implement the HBM approach in a high school setting.





No matter how comprehensive and informative your HBM-based curriculum is, your teenage students will still be flooded with conflicting cues from their peers, the entertainment industry, the Internet, and even their own bodies. With so much misinformation, it’s important to keep your message consistent by providing steady, meaningful, practical cues to action. To increase their effectiveness and make sure you reach every student, you should try to present these cues in multiple ways.


Using HBM To Empower High School Students


