

  1. iPad的素描本Pro:围绕艺术表达的最好的应用之一(和there’s a free version,也是!),非常适合数字画家和插画家。(iPad,Android)
  2. PICSART - 照片工作室:Snap, edit, and share photos and take advantage of the app’s text, clip art, and drawing features to make something special and fun. (Android)
  3. imovie:苹果fans have a great way to shoot and compile their own films and trailers while moving around and avoiding shooting permits, guerilla-style. (iPhone, iPad)
  4. 交响乐职业:对于音乐类型,Symphony Pro允许在旅途中进行构图和播放,以及导入和导出各种不同文件类型的能力。(iPad)
  5. 刷子:Another amazing artistic resource where users whip up gorgeous scenes with a plethora of different digital painting options. (iPad)
  6. Adobe移动应用程序:毫不奇怪,多媒体亲爱的Adobe为其助手提供了值得一提的创意应用程序,专注于编辑文本和照片以及从头开始创建图像。(变化:Android,iPhone,iPad,BlackBerry平板电脑)
  7. 苛性2:您的一部分想成为DJ可能会找到苛性2的DJ,这是一个令人愉悦的应用程序,用于创建电子音乐,正是打击的速度所需的内容。(安卓)
  8. Sketcher 3D Pro:Draw up practical or fanciful designs in a three-dimensional modeling studio that also doubles as a makeshift physics lab for on-the-go science. (Android)
  9. Swankolab:Swankolab为重新创建在黑暗的房间(还记得这些吗?)的数字一代中的艰苦尝试而获得了适当的热爱。(苹果手机)
  10. 123d雕刻:Play with clay and never worry about cleaning up the mess afterwards! Unless you have, like, super greasy fingers or something, in which case you will. (iPad)


  1. 看和聆听 - 内存游戏:Similar to the classic memory game Simon, Look and Listen features an escalatingly difficult series of light and sound sequences users are expected to parrot back. (Blackberry)
  2. Draw Something:创造力和竞争在一个荒谬的流行应用中碰撞,其规则类似于ICTIONARY。(Android,iPhone,iPad)
  3. 国际象棋?,免费国际象棋,免费的国际象棋:The ancient, enduring game requires enough strategy to keep that mind occupied during quieter or commuting hours. (iPhone/iPad, Android, Blackberry, respectively)
  4. Stack the Countries:Although meant for kids, adults will undoubtedly learn quite a bit about geography both physical and human in this addictive nation-stacking trivia game. (iPhone, iPad)
  5. 大脑年龄测试免费:Perfect for brain fitness freaks wanting to improve their memories, Brain Age Test Free offers up puzzles and games specifically to help the grey matter mature. (Android)
  6. 脑健身专业人士:虽然它不一定会兑现提高智商的承诺,但这种流行的具有挑战性的活动(主要是与记忆相关的)收集以最教育意义的方式传递了时间。(iPhone,iPad)
  7. Words with Friends:有点像拼字游戏,但不完全相同,与朋友的言语有助于提高这些词汇技能,同时希望在此过程中建立一些友谊。(Android,iPhone)
  8. 数学 - 心理数学技巧:Train that brain to perform quick, even difficult, calculations through exhilaratingly interesting exercises involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. (iPhone, iPad)
  9. 奇妙的装置2:构建奇妙的设备,并吸收有关物理学的一些事情,这对儿童和成人同样可行。(iPhone,iPad)
  10. Checkers ?,跳棋免费,Checkers:If chess isn’t really your thing, checkers also piques the mind with its own unique strategy requirements. (iPhone/iPad, Android, Blackberry, respectively)

Physical Fitness and Nutrition

  1. 食物:因为饮食良好并定期锻炼既可以促进大脑健康,所以任何希望改善思想的人都应该对自己的营养习惯进行教育。(Android,iPhone)
  2. 没有计步器,Accupedo计步器,TreadIt Pedometer for Touch Screens:对于您的步行者和跑步者,这些应用程序可以帮助您跟踪步骤并打破自己的个人记录。(iPhone/iPad,Android,BlackBerry)
  3. GoodFoodNearYou:Search for the healthiest meal options within a given radius of a zip code, college, airport, or landmark and pick up a few good fitness tips along the way. (Android, iPhone, Blackberry)
  4. Hatha Yoga – Your portable yoga studio:它的价格为9.99美元,但是如果您认真对待伸展运动,那么此Hatha Yoga应用程序具有个性化指导,可能永远是您最好的朋友。(iPhone,iPad)
  5. Runkeeper:尽管有这个名字,但骑自行车的人和步行者也受益于Runkeeper启用GPS和手动跟踪,社区,iPod同步,社交媒体共享等等。(Android,iPhone)
  6. pzizz睡觉:Insomnia sufferers needing to rest their brains might want to take advantage of pzizz’s soothing sleep system using neuro-linguistic programming. (iPhone, iPad)
  7. 获得健身:最终的个性化健身方案要求用户插入他们拥有的设备以及可以分配多少时间进行锻炼课程。(iPhone,iPad)
  8. Absolute Fitness:绝对健身涉及跟踪锻炼和饮食的多合一接口,具有统计,图形甚至日记功能。(Android)
  9. myfitnesspal:MyFitnessPal用户记录并在运动方案和热量摄入量中分享他们的进度,并交换有关哪些策略有效而无效特定需求的想法。(Android,iPhone/iPad,Blackberry,Windows Phone)
  10. 火花:现已在智能手机和精选平板电脑设备上获得最大的健身和营养跟踪,共享和对话的社交网络之一。(Android,iPhone/iPad,BlackBerry)


  1. NYTimes Crossword,Shortyz Crosswords,New York Times Crosswords:Whether crowdsourced or pulled from one of the most notoriously verbose games sections, crosswords engage and educate during those quieter moments. (iPhone/iPad, Android, Blackberry, respectively)
  2. 魔术难题:播放超过600多种复杂性的拼图难题,而不必担心再次缺少碎片。(iPad)
  3. 黏糊糊的世界:您不必成为理查德·费曼(Richard Feynman),在推动粘糊糊的球并将其用作各种建筑项目中的媒介时,就可以玩得开心。(Android,iPhone/iPad)
  4. Sudoku (Free),Sudoku Free,Sudoku Supreme – Free:从智能手机或平板电脑的舒适舒适度中玩无处不在的数字游戏。(iPhone/iPad,Android,BlackBerry)
  5. 俄罗斯方块,俄罗斯方块free,:Not only is the classic stacking game Tetris a beloved time-waster, it also manages to engage the mind in some pleasant ways with its deceptively difficult patterns. (iPhone/iPad, Android, Blackberry Playbook, respectively)
  6. 交叉手指:Oldschool木制幻灯片难题不可避免地在这里获得数字升级,并采取了其他动作,以使事情变得令人兴奋。(Android,iPhone/iPad)
  7. 心理测试:经典的Tangrams挑战用户只使用七个形状来形成图片,从而使思想解决问题的技能保持敏锐。(黑莓)
  8. Alchemy:Players start with four elements and end up having to combine them and create over 380 different mixtures through a series of engaging puzzles. (Android, iPhone/iPad)
  9. 适合块拼图:通过开发人员自己的承认,Fit Block拼图将俄罗斯方块和汤兰斯融合在一起,分为独特的大脑体验。(安卓)
  10. Slice It!:突破了那些高中的几何技巧,并将形状砍成相等大小的片段,这比大多数非医学家听起来要困难得多!(Android,iPhone/iPad)

  1. Goodreads:看到阅读方式是基本的,参与专门用于推荐和评级书籍的社区可能是为了使思想塑造更好的事情的一种手段。提供了一个避免Fifty Shades of Grey. (Android, iPhone/iPad)
  2. Pulse新闻:关注您最喜欢的博客和新闻来源,并至少在世界各地的最新故事和意见中掌握您所选择的行业。(Android,iPhone/iPad)
  3. Instapaper:简单有效,Instapaper可以随时随地保存网站,用于离线阅读。当然,电池允许。(Android,iPhone/iPad)
  4. 点燃:Turn that smartphone or tablet into an ebook reader with access to thousands of public domain classics and for-profit digital versions of today’s bestsellers. (Android, iPhone/iPad, Blackberry, Windows Phone)
  5. ibooks:In case the Kindle app just does not gel with your Apple device, a similar reader is available straight from Benevolent Technological Mother herself. (iPhone, iPad)
  6. Project Gutenberg:Venerable repository of public domain reads Project Gutenberg unfortunately floundered on other platforms, but still manages to make itself still available to Blackberry users looking to score some free ebooks. (Blackberry)
  7. 角落:Barnes&Noble包括一些免费的电子书,并获得了其他小说,非小说类,漫画等惊人的缓存。(Android,iPhone/iPad)
  8. Reeder for iPad:赶上Google Reader和其他RSS供稿,并向社交媒体分享喜欢的文章和博客文章。(iPad)
  9. Flipboard:Aggregate social media and news feeds for custom digital magazines to peruse in private or share with interested friends. (Android, iPhone/iPad)
  10. Readability:赶上您所有喜欢的网站,而没有所有讨厌的广告和其他最不可变的干扰,这完全破坏了互联网阅读体验。(Android,iPhone/iPad)
