The Past, Present, And Future Of The iPad In Learning

经过特里·希克(Terry Heick)

The Idea

When Apple started dropping hints about a coming “tablet PC” in 2009, it would have been difficult to see the way it might change the way we interact with digital media.

第一代iPad于2010年4月推出,代替了一些重大的硬件限制,是世界遇难者,在短短4个月内获得了10亿美元的销售额。iPad 2在11个月后发布,iPad 3目前是在2012年春季发行的。在讨论不到两岁的产品的“历史”时,似乎以令人眼花and乱的嗡嗡作响的速度有些过早。

Dog years have nothing on tech years.

iPad的概念始于晚餐。正如沃尔特·艾萨克森(Walter Isaacson)所说的史蒂夫·乔布斯传记,乔布斯(Jobs)烦恼的是特定的Microsoft员工(不是Bill Gates)继续进行的方式,即将推出的新平板电脑。乔布斯喜欢这个概念 - 这是有道理的,遵循智能手机已经闪耀的路径:手持式,带触摸屏的移动设备。到目前为止,这里什么都没有革命性。

But Jobs was bothered by Microsoft’s insistence on using a stylus. Jobs goes on in the biography to explain that “(Microsoft) was doing the device all wrong. It had a stylus. As soon as you have a stylus, you’re dead.”


Education has an odd reputation for both resisting change, and short-sightedly jumping on emerging edu-trends. This odd juxtaposition colors much of the school reform debate, and bleeds into its adoption of technology as well. In many schools, iPads are being used in extraordinary ways to unleash student learning, while in others it’s characterized as a luxury, lacking priority in an instructional setting where the curriculum and instruction may not considered to be up-to-snuff.

Undoubtedly, technology will continue to play a larger role in both formal and informal learning environments, and it’s fair to wonder where this is all going. To better understand where it’s going, it’s helpful to understand where it’s been.

Below is a “historical” perspective of the iPad’s first 20 months in the classroom, broken down into three distinct epochs, each marked by a distinguishing “big idea”: theGee Wiz时代, the应用时代,和Personalized era.

The Gee Wiz Era

Initially, what really set the iPad apart was its elegance; it offered a strangely magical union of hardware and software that the cold-metal-and-plastic world of PCs had yet to create. If you consider the nature of the media users consume—personal photographs, emotional songs, hilarious videos, and powerful single-media text—it’s at least curious that the hardware used to access these media has historically been so stoic and blank.




尽管iPad最终会变得更加多,但最初的新颖性就足够了。与台式机和笔记本电脑界面(如书籍和杂志)提供的用户体验不同,您现在可以再次触摸信息 - 但是与书籍和杂志不同,iPad无限制。现在,人们可以获取数百万的故事和数百万诗,以及数百万的故事和诗歌选集。并可以注释它们。并分享注释。并长期记录他们。使用很有趣。

gee wiz。

Early iPad use can so be characterized by the novelty of this interaction, as educators found out how to harness its potential without neutering its magic. Many learners, families, and even industry experts originally viewed the iPad as a glorified e-reader, and at the beginning, this could be true. Its simple actuation supported literacy efforts in elementary school classrooms, and supplemented traditional texts with digital media in upper level classrooms.

As with the more ubiquitous iPods, iPads also offered podcasts, an incredible (and still under-developed) mother lode of digital content for all content areas. Even basic drawing apps allowed for iPads to be used as electronic white boards for quick in-lesson assessment.

在这一点上,iPad仍在寻找其在教室中的位置。虽然有趣,但有些人仍然认为它是“教科书的替代者”,但这意味着教科书的数字等效是理想的事情。在一个为真实创新而饥饿的行业中,iPad的“ gee wiz时代”提供了一个直接吸引观众的狂热开始,但仅抓住了其潜力的表面,这一概念会被即将到来的数字时代所强调。

The App Era




Enter the app.


As with all “smart” devices, early iPad apps from mid-2010 were dominated by notions of “productivity”: email, calendar, note-taking, and basic word processing, and classroom use reflected as much. Soon, however, apps blossomed with creativity, and with it the iPad experience. As Blackberry has learned the hard way, mobile Operating Systems like iOS, Android, and even social media platforms like facebook and twitter depend on app and API integration as their lifeblood. Apple’s iPad truly began to its stride as app-development hit a stride of its own.

在威斯康星大学新闻中,凯蒂·卡尔弗(Katy Culver)是新闻与大众传播学院的教职员工,在她的杂志出版课上使用iPad进行了讨论。



In the “App era,” basic productivity apps have now been supplemented by more diverse offerings. As of late 2011, the most popular “Education apps” are those that support early literacy (单纯拼写语音1)和基本算术(Math Bingo),虽然少数其他人致力于教育工作者认为“内容领域”,但主要是天文学和地理。尽管这与Apple与教育工作者使用iPad的方式建立其应用程序商店的方式有很大关系,但很明显,iPad的未来在于应用程序开发人员的想象。

In fact, the “app era” of the iPad can also be characterized by innovation of existing technologies—that is, using existing hardware and software in new ways (see twitter, hashtags, and backchannel conversations, e-clickers, QR codes, and smarter social media interdependence), an area that will only grow as technology moves forward.

The Personalized Era



和性别权益?男性用户人数超过女性2:1。自2010年4月以来,iPad启用了魔法媒体的消费,而批评者则谴责该设备的相对无能为力生产。尽管性别问题与文化和社会思想息息相关,但iPad的修订表明,苹果认识到自己产品的裸露性。尽管第一代模型缺乏相机,但此后已对第二代模型进行了纠正。iPad的第一代还缺乏HDMI连接或USB端口,这也可以用iPad 2修订纠正。

对于所有功能良好的事情,iPad都有一些硬件限制,最多可以强迫应用程序创建者和用户具有创造力。没有物理键盘,文字处理不是iPad的最佳位置。输入出色的屏幕触摸键盘,改进的语音识别软件和强大的外围支持(包括键盘)。没有闪光支持?输入html5或失败的应用程序,它只是替换丢失的闪存支持。(随着Flash最近降低Android Mobile平台,Apple的优势似乎是非常有先见之明的。)



In the spirit of “iTunes U,” and the open source courseware approach available through the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), there are now entire courses available as apps. In this way, the iPad’s history in the classroom has come full-circle. Instead of relying on the novelty of swiping, pinching, and zooming, digitized textbooks, or even swollen app-power, the current era of the iPad is about empowering the individual user through personalization.


Looking Forward

如果我们采取最大的宏观视图,而不是查看应用程序,用户甚至用户包含的交互,而是learning process itself,iPad只是一个工具。从这种角度来看,它似乎相对无能。


当我们在iPad 3和Android平板电脑上等待时,将自己推向课堂时,课堂上的下一个iPad时代将取决于包容性和一体化:更多的学习者在越来越多的学校中,无缝一体化带有课程,评估和教学。这将不需要苹果的像素垃圾,而是教育工作者的思考和承诺。



本文最初是由特里·希克(Terry Heick)撰写的Edudemic Magazine; image attribution flickr users usnavalwarcollege; brainpopuk, and 46137